The truth is that EMOTIONAL CARNIVORES are out to tear your tender heart apart with their RUTHLESS DECEPTION. Another truth is that you encounter them more often than you encounter HEART HEALERS and EMOTION MENDERS.

You know why it's so? The reason is simple. CARNIVORES are always on a HUNT for MAMMALS. So it's not surprising that the last three men that came your way only wanted SEX. It's also not surprising that the last three ladies you encountered only wanted MONEY.

Even when it seemed like a potential GENUINE partner finally came your way, you eventually notice they have a deceitful game plan which is aimed at satisfying their vanities. To successfully play a fast one on you, they try to seduce you with PRETENSE. That is why you should never trust people who FLATTER.

These bad eggs are responsible for many broken hearts and shattered emotions. Because of them, many victimized singles with beautiful souls have resolved to JOIN the game and also do the work of HURTING people, breaking hearts, and extorting material things from innocent victims.

They may justify their consciences with the thought that they are only doing to others what was done to them. But such justification doesn't change the fact that "a man reaps what he sows." It doesn't matter your reason for sowing evil seeds, when it's time to reap, you will surely reap evil.

Until the end of time, we will always have deceitful people with us. Like I said earlier, the earth is full of people who don't mind ruining your destiny just to feed their selfish appetites and desires. So it beholds on you to live with caution, learn wisdom, and be very close to the HOLY GHOST. This way, it will be difficult for you to fall victim to EMOTIONAL SCAMMERS.

There are good people in the world, and as the Bible says; DEEP CALLS UNTO DEEP. In due season, your persistent GOODNESS despite the pressure to TURN BAD will pay off. Never let the EVIL DEEDS of people with TWISTED SOULS contaminate the SWEETNESS of your own soul. At the right time, you will be rewarded with your kind, as much as the BAD EGGS will be rewarded with their kind.

Like my pastor usually says; "CUNNY MAN DIE, CUNNY MAN BURY AM." Rephrasing that statement in a direct contrast, it becomes; "LEGIT MAN LIVE, LEGIT MAN LIVE WITH AM." Just keep up the good work if you're in the business of doing good. Soon enough, it'll pay off. Good always pays, as much evil does.

