As a woman the more anointing you want to flow in your life, the more humble you must be. The Bible says, He gives grace to the humble. You want more grace? You have to be more humble. There are some of you here, you're pastor's wive's, i have a message for you, because some of you are always the first to resist your husband, just because you're his wife. That means you dont even respect the anointing of Gods spirit upon his life

You even oppose him in public meetings, you never agree with any of his decisions. But i tell you, you have to be very careful. Do you really know the meaning of husband? Or do You think husband means the male partner in a marriage? No! Husband means MASTER. Thats what it means, not a male partner. Thats one reason there are problems in so many Christian homes today. Marriage in Christianity to some is just a flop. They believe they're equal partners. 

Look let me tell you something, if you wanna live according to Scriptures, then understand what the word says. The reason God made woman was actually because of the man. The woman was not God's original idea in the first place. And thats the truth.  Now, when God, made everything, the Bible said everything was good no problems, until He got a woman.

Let me tell you something, if many women had their fathers bold enough to talk to them, they'd be successful in their marriages, and they'd also be happy. Most women have never been taught by their parents, their father's in particular. And thats where the problem lies. They dont know who a man is, to them he's just another woman. You see, in a marriage, you have the man who is the head of that Union, and because he's the head of that Union, its important to understand him.

Now you think he's the one to understand his wife, and thats where you get it wrong. He will, but until you know who you are married to, the kind of man that he is, what he likes or does not like then there are gonna be misunderstandings between the two parties. When you say you are married to a man you're automatically under his authority. You are not authority sharers. So as a woman, when you decide not to submit yourself to that authority, you've become a rebel. 

And God's not gonna accept what you're doing, because you're not functioning correctly. Let me tell you, no man wants another mother, or an older sister. Your secrets are in your obedience, your secret is in listening to your husband, and doing those things that pleases him. And when you dont please your husband,you've taken the role of a mother or an older sister. And what happens automatically is, he starts seeing you differently.

The reactions he has to people who tries to tell him what to do, will be the same reactions he'll have towards you. Dont make your life hard, hear this, to be happy in your home and in your marriage is the easiest thing. Just play your roles, take your place. That place God put you as a wife is a beautiful place, a place of peace, and excellence. And when you go out of it, you find out that its no longer a husband that you have, you may be calling him a husband but he's no longer one.

Just like what Jesus said, they call me lord, Lord but  dont do what i say. One of the easiest way to destroy what you want to say is to teach your teachers. For some of you, you're always good in opposing your husband, every idea he introduces,  you must oppose. You need to be wise, you can always present your objections as suggestion, and not by force or rudely.

A wise woman will always be an influence on her husband. But only a foolish one will always wanna annoy the husband, make him mad forgetting that she'd still be the victim. Learn to listen to your husband. Practice it. Once you stop listening to your husband, your beauty evaporates, but you might not know this. Beauty is obedience.

Once you're harsh, talking anyhow to your husband, your beauty evaporates. And you wonder why you're dressing and he doesn't even see it, he doesnt even remember your last hairstyle, he no longer see those things. Learn to keep your home through your attitude.
