In recent times, there’s been the issue of women’s refusal to be respectful to men and it is fast assuming a complicating dimension. No doubt, it’s needful for a woman to respect and honor a man, but that doesn't make it a man’s entitlement. Inasmuch as women are expected to respect men at all times, men have a role to play to make it happen. 

But in a bid to force respect out of women, men often refer to the Bible passage that talks about Sarah calling Abraham MY LORD. Some other men make reference to the days of old when African women used to kneel before their husbands to serve them food. Well, there’s actually more to it than meets the eyes. Now, check this out.

Men who’re respected by women do not just hop out of slumber to get the respect. Realistically, for a woman to willingly refer to a man as LORD, the man must earn it. When you see women adore their husbands and cherish them like Kings, those husbands have worked for it by committing something or by simply being too awesome!!!

Most times, the problem with some men is that we demand what we should work for. A man doesn’t just command his wife or fiancée (or any woman at all) to respect him because he’s a man. Respect is to be earned. A couple of ways men earn women’s respect is through compassion, kindness, humanity, responsibility, a golden heart, etc.

A man’s head cannot be adorned with a crown when he has not done what Kings do. Most times, women give back to us what we gave to them. That's why a woman's submission is always her response to a man’s love. A man has to love first, and then sit back and watch his woman respond to his love.

A man who tramples on his wife, who acts rudely towards her, is inhumane, inconsiderate, unaffectionate, and not supportive, should never demand a woman to treat him like a king. A man who does that is still very much plagued with the AFRICAN MENTALITY and should drop that mindset in order to enjoy unreserved respect from women.
